Media Release: Roskill Community Voice

“The  Puketapapa/Mt Roskill area has been neglected for too long and it is  time that some serious focus and resources are brought to bear on our  community”, says Roskill Community Voice member of the Puketapapa Local  Board Michael Wood after the Board unanimously supported his motion  calling on Auckland Council to develop an Area Plan for Puketapapa, at a  Board meeting on Thursday night.

“For  various reasons Mt Roskill’s development has been overlooked by the  powers that be over the years. This is evident in our run-down town  centres, a lack of facilities in some parts, and a general sense that  the community has not been given a fair go compared to other areas”,  says fellow Board member Julie Fairey.

“The  development of an Area Plan, to complement the Auckland Spatial Plan,  will bring the attention of Council and government to key medium and  long-term issues for our community including our vision for 3 Kings  Quarry to be turned into a quality multi-use park of regional  significance, the strong case for the Avondale to Southdown rail link to  be built, and the need to bring a major tertiary education provider  into our community”, says Mr Wood.

“Importantly,  Area Plans will not be rolled out everywhere at once. By strongly  arguing Puketapapa/Mt Roskill’s case at this early stage we are aiming  to convince the decision makers to give our community a fair go by  having an early crack at an Area Plan. We will continue to strongly  encourage Council officers and members of the Governing Body to make  this a reality”, says Ms Fairey.

“We  believe that there is real energy and potential in our community and  that it can be harnessed through a visionary plan for the future”,  concludes Mr Wood.


Contact:   Michael Wood – 0275-471-926

The full text of the Motion that was put forward to the Board and unanimously supported is:

b) That the Puketapapa Local Board confirms its wish for an Area Plan to be developed for the Puketapapa community as a matter of priority, and to this effect:

i)              Notes that:

  • Puketapapa  sits in a crucial position on the Auckland isthmus, covering a number  of critical transport corridors (both current and proposed),
  • Puketapapa is the most culturally diverse community in Auckland and requires careful development,
  • The Board is prepared to actively engage in an Area Planning process, and that we have a good body of information, including the future planning framework, from which to commence work.

ii)             Calls upon the Governing Body, and the relevant Governing Body committee to include Puketapapa in the group of Local Board areas being considered for early development of Area Plans.

iii)            Seeks a report from officers about further steps that the Board could take to support its wish for Puketapapa be included in the Area Planning process at an early stage.