Jim Diers inspiring communitiesJim Diers –  author of Neighbor Power

‘The local is everything in the lively city’

Neighbours can generate tremendous power when they come together as a community. They can influence the actions of government, developers, and other external forces. They can also mobilize their own assets—their passion, knowledge, skills, and relationships—in support of caring communities, revitalized neighborhoods, and a better world.

Jim Diers has a passion for building neighbor power. Since moving to Seattle in 1976, he put that passion to work for an Alinsky-style community organization, a health care cooperative, and a community development corporation. Diers was appointed the first director of Seattle’s Department of Neighborhoods in 1988. He served under three mayors over the next 14 years as the department grew to become a national model for planning and development powered by neighbours.

Jim will lead a motivational session to help turn ideas into action:

Auckand Polish Society

1 McDonald St (off Ethel St off Sandringham Rd)


​6pm-8pm Thursday 29 August