It’s never been easier to vote right up until Election Day
City Vision candidates are out door knocking and in the community with a final reminder to vote in the local elections 2022. It has never been easier to drop off voting papers at over 70 Vote Boxes located across Auckland. Even for those not yet enrolled or who have lost voting papers it is still possible to make a special vote right up until noon on Saturday 8 October.
HOW AND WHERE TO VOTE: There are now two options. Either drop off your voting papers if you have them or make a special vote.
1. DROP OFF voting papers:

City Vision Councillor candidate Pippa Coom dropping off her voting papers at a Vote Box
Your voting papers placed in the provided orange envelope can be dropped off at a VOTE BOX located at Countdown supermarkets, transport hubs and local libraries. Check the map here to find your closest Vote Box.
There are also POP UP Vote Boxes including at First Thursday, Karangahape Road 6- 9pm Thursday 6 October.
A drop off vote is possible right up until noon on Election Day Saturday 8th October.
DO NOT post your envelope after Tuesday 4 October as your vote will not arrive in time.
2. Make a SPECIAL VOTE if you are not yet enrolled OR have misplaced/lost or not received your voting papers.
If your voting papers did not arrive in the purple envelope to your address in the post, or you have lost/ misplaced them OR you have not yet enrolled you can make a SPECIAL VOTE. There are two options for making a special vote:
Either visit a Service Centre located at:
- Electoral Office (Level 2, 198 Federal Street, Auckland Central)
- Great Barrier Island Service Centre (75 Hector Sanderson Road, Great Barrier Island)
- Henderson Service Centre (3 Smythe Road, Henderson)
- Manukau Service Centre (4 Osterley Way, Manukau)
- Orewa Service Centre (50 Centreway Road, Orewa)
- Pukekohe Library and Service Centre (12 Massey Ave, Pukekohe)
- Waiheke Island Service Centre (10 Belgium Street, Ostend, Waiheke Island)
- Warkworth Library (2 Baxter Street, Warkworth)
OR visit a “One Stop Shop” hosted by different organisations.
- Wednesday 5 October 12 – 2pm at Massey University, Albany Campus
- Thursday 6 October 11am – 3pm at University of Auckland
- Friday 7 October 5.30pm – 9.30pm Whanau Community Hub, 165 Stoddard Road, Mt Roskill and 7- 9pm Deaf Club, 16 Hillsborough Road, Three Kings
Whether you are dropping off your voting papers at a Vote Box or making a Special Vote it must be done no later than noon on Election Day Saturday 8 October to be counted. More information for voters here. Or call Election Services on 0800 922 822.
NOTE that if the reason you are making a Special Vote is because you are not enrolled you must complete your enrolment by midnight Friday 7th October
Update on eligibility to enrol: The Vote NZ website now includes information confirming that resident visa holders who have lived in New Zealand continuously for over a year and meet other conditions are eligible to vote.
City Vision is endorsing Efeso Collins for Mayor. He is the only candidate with the right leadership skills and ability to work for all of Auckland.
Thank you for taking the time to vote for an Auckland we can all be proud of.