Robert Roythorne Gallagher
8 July 1949 – 22 January 2025

The City Vision whānau is deeply saddened on the passing of Robert Gallagher. He was a dedicated campaigner, organiser, chair, leader, mentor, and friend to many.

Robert had a positive and influential life in politics and will leave a huge legacy with his work for local government in Auckland.  He encouraged and supported many candidates over the years to their political success.  He will be greatly missed.

This tribute was first published in May 2024 on the standing down of Robert as Chair of City Vision (Chair 2007 – 2024)

Long-time City Vision Chair Robert Gallagher stands down

Celebrating 21 years of City Vision with Glenda Fryer, Denise Roche and Shale Chambers

City Vision’s long-standing Chair, Robert Gallagher recently stepped down to focus on treatment following a brain tumour diagnosis at the end of last year.

Robert has been a City Vision stalwart since a coalition of Labour and Alliance with like minded Community Independents formed in 1998 to contest Auckland City Council elections. The Greens joined the coalition in 2004. By 2007 Robert had taken over as chair. It has taken Robert’s diplomacy, wisdom and patience to maintain a remarkably successful political marriage over many years.

Recently City Vision elected members, committee members past and present joined together to recognise Robert’s considerable contribution to City Vision and often unsung service to Auckland. Former Deputy Chair and current Secretary Gwen Shaw MC’d the event to celebrate Robert’s major contribution to City Vision.

Former chair and founding member of City Vision, John Hill praised Robert as the rock that City Vision has bed itself on for 26 years building the left in Auckland local body politics.

Richard Northey, Waitematā Local Board member spoke of Robert “consistently providing personal support and political advice, campaigning skills, political acumen, calmness and patience in all the challenges we have faced as individual elected members and as a City Vision collective. Our continued success and coherence as a City Vision organisation is a continuing
massive tribute to Robert”

Simon Mitchell, former Albert- Eden Local Board member recognised Robert as having made one of the biggest unheralded contributions to Auckland for his leadership over 20 years.

Margi Watson, chair Albert-Eden Local Board (first elected in 2010 as a community independent) acknowledged Robert as shining light to guide us through the political landscape of Auckland. Through election periods to caucusing and monthly meetings – Robert is always there. His contribution to help elected members increase their knowledge of politics and understanding and to challenge us and help us find solutions to the tricky parts of “the local” in Local Government where we have differences – has been immeasurable.

Another Community Independent with City Vision Cr Julie Fairey, noted Robert’s ability to listen to agitated candidates and talk us through any campaign worries. “Like many of our candidates over the years, I’ve had the experience of Robert talking me down from my stress and panic to find a positive way forward be it on the campaign trail or around the decision-making table as an elected member.” She acknowledged his generosity with his skills and time, over many many years and to many different members of the City Vision whānau.

Over the years Robert has been a great personal supporter and adviser to serving Auckland City Councillors, including Glenda Fryer, Cathy Casey, Graeme Easte, Denise Roche, Richard Northey and Leila Boyle, as well as members on community boards and then since the formation of the Super City in 2010 to elected members on the Auckland Council, Waitematā, Albert-Eden and Puketāpapa Local Boards, as well as the Auckland District Health Board and the Portage Licensing Trust.

Robert has been supported throughout by his long time partner former, MP Carol Beaumont.

City Vision owes them both a huge debt.

Photos from the City Vision archives