Every year Local Boards negotiate an annual agreement with the Governing Body (the Councillors and Mayor) that forms part of the Annual Plan and sets out the Board’s budget and service levels. A section of the annual agreement also includes the advocacy projects the Local Board is seeking Council Controlled Organisations like Auckland Transport, Watercare and Waterfront Auckland to deliver.
The Waitemata Local Board has a detailed list of advocacy areas to Auckland Transport for delivery as part of the Board’s 13/14 Annual Agreement. Auckland Transport reports quarterly at our monthly business meeting on our advocacy projects (next report due 13 August 2013).
One of our advocacy projects is a change to the Give Way rule for pedestians. We are seeking:
Auckland Transport to advocate for a change of the give way rule requiring motorists to give way to pedestrians at intersections.
We are backing up a campaign by Living Streets Aotearoa and Walk Auckland for a change to the rules.
Transport Blog recently reported on this campaign here provoking wide ranging comments
Pippa Coom, Transport Portfolio – West, Waitemata Local Board