25 September, 2018 | Entrust18, Policy
Sustainability At the moment smart metering serves big users and power companies more than it serves ordinary households. We want to see Vector empowering households to use their own data to save money. Smart meters and customers data represent the single greatest...
25 September, 2018 | Entrust18, Policy
Good governance We will ensure that Entrust operates in an open way by: Making information available about the Trust, and will provide information to media and beneficiaries unless good reason exists to withhold it We will amend the Trust Deed to make the principles...
25 September, 2018 | Entrust18, Policy
What should be done to secure of supply of electricity and accelerate undergrounding City Vision will look at ways we can underground faster. The $10.5 million ring fenced by the Trust for undergrounding of lines in 2005 has not always been spent as intended. In...
17 September, 2018 | Entrust18, Featured Post, News
Time for a change at the Trust: Vector, Entrust and the investment bank There are plans to reduce the Entrust share of Vector, cutting or eliminating your dividend and giving the sales revenue to Council say the City Vision team standing for election to Entrust. City...
12 September, 2018 | Entrust18, Featured Post, News
Media release 11 September 2018 City Vision Entrust Team Leader asks Entrust Chair to explain Australian interest It is time for Entrust Chair William Cairns to explain why The Australian newspaper believes that a sell down of the Entrust 75.1% shareholding is on the...