Tēnā koutou katoa I love living in Maungakiekie with my whānau and have done so for the past 15 years. I have a background in small business, education and as a community organiser, I have a strong work ethic and the skills to make an effective, positive contribution to our community. I will work hard in building strong connected neighbourhoods and for our natural environment. I am proud to be a volunteer on the local community patrol; safety and security is important for all who live in our community. If given the honour to serve you, I will be proactive in making prudent decisions with you all.
“He aha te mea nui ō tēnei ao, he tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata.” “What is the most important thing in this world, it is people, it is people, it is people.” Please vote for me and the whole City Vision team.