We love this place. Auckland is our home. It is where we work and play, raise our families, build our lives, and plan our futures. There is nowhere we would rather be.
Auckland’s natural environment is unparalleled, our communities sparkle with diversity, and across the region communities are brimming with good ideas and plans for the future. We face challenges, but with the right leadership, Auckland can be the best place to live in the world.
The challenges created by a growing city aren’t simple, but we are up to them. Affordable housing for all families, rapid transit to move around Auckland, and finding ways to protect our heritage and restore our environment as we grow, are all questions that we can solve together, with focused leadership, and an engaged community.
We recognise that Auckland is not a monolith. Our city is made up of many local communities, each with its own flavour, traditions, and aspirations. These communities are the beating heart of Auckland and need to be heard. We will fight to give our communities a voice. City Vision’s values are known and proven. We have always been the team who has stood up for social justice, for public transport, for environmental restoration, for climate action, for public ownership, and for local communities to have a real say.
We’re not stopping now. Auckland’s challenges are big, but the opportunities are bigger. We are the team who knows how to get things done and we are ready to serve.
Our Principles and Policies
Our candidates, our elected members and the organisations we endorse work for the following Principles and Policies:
- Commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
- Strong local democracy where our communities are engaged and active
- Commitment by Auckland Council and Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) to community-based democratic decision-making
- Public control and ownership of strategic assets
- Fairness in rates and service charges
- Transport choice, offering public and active transport solutions
- Action on Climate Change for a Zero Carbon Future
- A clean, ecologically sustainable environment with enhanced biodiversity
- Economic fairness, and wellbeing for all Aucklanders
- Well-designed neighbourhoods that protect our heritage and character
- Resilient, healthy and safe communities supported by great amenities and parks
- Quality housing choices that are affordable, healthy, and secure.
- Access to the arts, events, sport and recreation.
- Inclusion, participation and access for all and opposition to all forms of discrimination
Our commitment to all Aucklanders
- We will maximise the democratic role in Auckland Council’s decision-making. This will apply at all levels, including the Governing Body, Local Boards and Council Controlled Organisations.
- We will promote the principle that Local Boards should make local decisions.
- Elected members will engage with their local communities.
- Our Councillors will attend and report to their Local Board meetings.
- We will work for the social, cultural, environmental and economic well-being of Aucklanders, including advocating and partnering with central government and central government agencies. This is required of us by legislation.
- We will be financially prudent and ensure a balanced approach to financial strategy.
Our policies:
1. Commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
- We will respect the role of Māori as kaitiaki.
- We will consider the impact on Māori in all Council and Local Board decision-making.
- We will actively seek Memoranda of Understanding and partnership with mana whenua.
- We will promote bilingual names, signage, information and consultation throughout our area.
- We will incorporate local Māori tikanga and kawa in our celebrations and events and participate in training required to improve our cultural competency.
- We support the right of Māori to have elected representation at Council level and will promote initiatives that will build Māori participation, engagement and inclusion.
- We will advocate to add Māori Wards to the Auckland Council and Māori representation on local boards.
- We support the protection of the land at Ihumātao in recognition of the cultural and historical significance of the adjacent Ōtuataua Stonefields.
- We acknowledge Te Tiriti settlements in Tāmaki Makaurau.
- We will support the Tupuna Maunga Authority to protect and enhance all maunga and support the application for World Heritage status. We acknowledge the importance of the maunga viewshafts to Aucklanders
2. Strong local democracy where our communities are engaged and active
- Auckland Council’s Governing Body, Local Boards and all CCOs (Council Controlled Organisations) must be democratically accountable and engaged with the diverse communities in their areas.
- Our elected representatives will keep their promises, act in accordance with the principles and policies they were elected on, actively engage with their constituent communities and be accountable to them.
- We will work to ensure maximum input and delegated decision making by Local Boards in promoting the interests of the neighbourhoods and communities they represent.
- We will seek to retain and engage with the Advisory Panels for Pacific Peoples, Ethnic, Youth, Disability, Seniors, Rural, Rainbow Communities, Public Art, and Heritage.
- We will encourage and foster more diverse representation for our communities.
- We will advocate for more devolved power and resources from central government in order to deliver a well-functioning city that responds to local needs and preferences.
- We will ensure local communities have a voice and are listened to.
3. Commitment by Auckland Council and Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) to community- based democratic decision-makings
- We will require maximum accountability and transparency of CCOs (Auckland Transport, Watercare, Eke Panuku and Auckland Unlimited).
- We will require that the CCOs work closely with Local Boards when any project or decision affects the local community and to abide by relevant local body decisions on local projects.
- We will require CCOs to make a commitment to local democratic decision-making.
- We will support the required resourcing of the implementation of the CCO review recommendations.
- We will advocate for the local placemaking delivered by CCOs to be informed by Local Boards and their communities.
4. Public control and ownership of strategic assets
- We will advocate that community assets providing essential services or generating major income must be retained in Council ownership and be openly accountable under a democratic decision-making model.
- We will ensure Council has an ethical approach towards its own staff – including contractors – that is consistent with core International Labour Organisation Standards, including freedom of association, the right to organise and the right to effective collective bargaining. We will insist that these rights are upheld across the Council, including CCOs.
- We support the Living Wage for all Council staff and also for the introduction of the Living Wage to all service providers, CCOs and Council contractors.
- We will consult regularly with the PSA and the other unions representing council staff.
- We support keeping 100% Council ownership of Ports of Auckland and Council’s current shareholding in Auckland Airport.
- We support the retention of Westhaven Marina in public ownership.
- We do not support further extension of the Port beyond the existing consented footprint.
- Water is a taonga to Māori and access is a basic human right. It must be provided as an entirely publicly owned and delivered service. It should be a sustainable and quality service at a not-for-profit, minimum price that is consistent with achieving conservation and maintaining rigorous environmental standards. We do not support water restriction as a means of debt enforcement.
- Proposed changes to the structures providing water services must conform to the above principles, strengthen iwi representation in water management and provide for accountability to Council and be coordinated with Council’s local and spatial planning.
- We will foster responsible and sustainable social, financial and environmental approaches to the management of the region and its assets by our Council, Local Boards and the CCOs.
- Wherever appropriate council, work should be done by council staff rather than contracting out to private companies, or through CCOs.
- Where it is necessary to use outside contractors and consultants, we will seek that the Council retains in-house expertise so that staff are able to carry out effective monitoring and control.
- We will seek a procurement policy that favours local jobs, includes good employer requirements including a commitment to paying a living wage, and applies appropriate quality social and environmental criteria which are not price-based.
5. Fairness in rates and service charges
- We will be responsible guardians of Auckland’s public accounts and assets. The rating system must be fair, at a rate proportionate to the value of properties and take account people’s wealth and ability to pay.
- We will continue targeted business rates for the City Centre and Business Improvement Districts. We will promote a region-wide modest business rate differential, set in proportion to the value of the business properties, to help fund critical infrastructure, such as transport, community facilities, stormwater structures and pipes, and to moderate the rates impact on low/middle income residents.
- We will advocate for policies that will ensure development contributions and other infrastructure funding mechanisms are sufficient to provide for the growth share of infrastructure and public facilities, including parks, beneficial to developments.
- We will oppose any increase in the proportion of Council income coming from uniform charges, and seek to reduce and eliminate such charges. They impact less well-off people disproportionately, and the removal of them ensures important Council services are affordable and available to all Aucklanders.
- In recognition of the greater needs of lower socio-economic communities and the plans and projects identified by the Local Boards, we will maintain a fair and equitable funding formula reflecting population and providing a higher level of funding to address socio-economic deprivation.
- We support Local Boards having more authority to allocate funds for their functions and facilities.
- We will implement prudent financial management, increasing borrowing and fees for services only as is reasonable for the effective support of public services. Where any increase in rates is agreed necessary to maintain Council services or where Council income is impacted by COVID or natural disasters we will advocate that any rises in general rates are kept as low as practicable, without compromising necessary investment in infrastructure and climate change actions.
- We will advocate to Government to allow Council to gain a fair income for the load on our infrastructure arising from tourists and visitors. Also from those businesses that receive major long-term benefits from rezoning and from particular public infrastructure projects such as the Central Rail Link (CRL) and Light Rail.
- We oppose local boards introducing local targeted rates.
6. Transport choice, and public and active transport solutions
- Our vision is for genuine, equitable transport choice for people and goods to move around our communities and the Auckland region with ease.
- We support major transport infrastructure projects like the City Rail Link and light rail.
- We will prioritise public transport and the provision of better bus, ferry, light rail and train services, interchange hubs, cycleways, safer walking, micromobility routes and more HOP card outlets.
- We will investigate and, where feasible, extend free public transport.
- We will advocate for more frequent suburban and crosstown bus services in the Auckland Isthmus and regionwide.
- We will seek efficient transport solutions for the movement of freight in and around the region.
- We will advocate for greater government funding of major regional projects, and for this funding to shift in favour of major regional public transport projects identified by the region. We support retaining a regional fuel tax to broaden Auckland transport funding options until a fair and equitable congestion or similar charge is developed.
- We will actively support and fund measures to increase the number of people walking, and cycling for accessing education, commuting, short trips and recreation.
- We will strongly support the introduction of light rail through to Ōrewa and Kūmeu and on the City Centre to Māngere route. That should be designed principally to meet the needs of local residents and businesses and which will facilitate affordable housing and liveable urban design development.
- We will advocate for communities to be involved in the master planning of their current and future neighbourhoods in relation to Light Rail projects.
- We will encourage the provision of a network of electric car and bike charging stations around the city and utilise electric cars for the Council fleet. We support the rapid replacement of diesel buses and ferries with electric ones.
- We support the Vision Zero strategy, which sets out to eliminate death and serious injuries on our roads.
- We advocate for safe and appropriate speeds, traffic calming measures, and for safe and useable footpaths.
- We support the prioritisation of footpaths for pedestrians and advocate for appropriate space for bikes and micromobility transport such as e-scooters.
- We will advocate for grade separation at railway level crossings.
- We support more robust parking enforcement in order to protect peoples’ safety and accessibility needs and to prevent disruptions to public transport service.
7. Action on Climate Change for a Zero Carbon Future
- We support the Council maintaining its status as a C40 city and fulfilling Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan commitment to reduce emissions by 50 per cent by 2030 (against a 2016 baseline) and zero net emissions by 2050.
- Reduction of greenhouse gases should be core to all Council activities. We will support the development and prioritisation of initiatives and programmes that decrease or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions and support a Climate Change Targeted rate.
- We support a Just Transition to a Zero Carbon Economy, including ensuring workers and their representatives are fully involved in the change.
- We should enable our community members to live zero-carbon lifestyles based around local infrastructure and amenities.
- We will support the provision of green roofs and walls on Council facilities and encourage their proliferation elsewhere.
- We will promote provision of solar energy, and minimised energy use in Council facilities, businesses and homes to reduce greenhouse gases.
8. A clean, ecologically sustainable environment with enhanced biodiversity
- We will promote ecological sustainability, including biodiversity and biosecurity programmes and ecologically appropriate weed control, phasing out of glyphosate and other agrichemical spraying as far as practicable. We will continue to monitor the Environmental Protection Authority’s advice.
- We will care for our environment by effective action to reduce pollution of water, air and land, including prioritising effective regulatory enforcement by Auckland Council.
- We will support projects that protect and clean up our waterways including our harbours, beaches, coastal areas, streams and their catchment areas.
- We will support the development of community-led community gardens, regenerative farms and berm planting where appropriate.
- We support the Western Springs Recycling and Education Centre, and also waste-reduction programmes in all areas to utilise the resource recovery network effectively.
- We will retain the Unitary Plan controls on GMOs in the environment.
9. Economic fairness, and wellbeing for all Aucklanders
- We will work to build thriving communities with a sense of place and self-reliance, high employment and reduced inequality. We will support regional and local business enterprise and innovation, environmental sustainability, affordable housing and employment initiatives that are environmentally and socially responsible.
- We will work to reduce unnecessary red tape and compliance costs for businesses.
- We will encourage the provision of employment opportunities close to where people live to reduce the need for long commutes and to strengthen local communities.
- We will actively promote education and training opportunities for young people and those that struggle to secure employment, the development of innovative high-wage Auckland businesses and local procurement for Council contracts.
- We will support our Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) in enhancing economic prosperity and the vitality and sense of place of our town centres.
- We will support the growth of our Creative Arts sector recognising the economic, social and cultural
- value, jobs and vitality it gives Auckland.
- We will support developing a sustainable regional stadium strategy.
- We will work to ensure any council investment and procurement is ethical.
10. Well-designed neighbourhoods that protect our heritage and character
- We will fight for well-designed neighbourhoods that deliver integrated housing, good design, open space and environmental outcomes which enable people and communities to connect with each other.
- We will support the work of the Urban Design Panel, Eke Panuku and the Council to act as practical exemplars of quality urban design and residential development.
- We will advocate that any changes in resource management and planning laws support quality urban design and liveable communities, appropriate protection of heritage and character and ensure a local voice in planning and consenting issues.
- We will work with Māori as kaitiaki and with communities to conserve and enhance our heritage and landscape features that make Auckland unique: our harbours, the Hauraki Gulf and the waterways that feed them; our beaches, parks, volcanoes and the wonderful ranges that ‘bookend’ our region.
- We will ensure the protection of our ecological heritage including seeking reinstatement of general tree protection, scheduling mature notable trees, planting more trees in suitable sites and restoring native bush.
- We will increase the heritage fund established to assist community groups and others to maintain and refurbish scheduled heritage buildings.
- We will support the protection of residential areas and buildings of high heritage value from inappropriate development.
- We will support Iwi Māori to reconnect with, and maintain their connections with, their sites of interest.
11. Resilient, healthy and safe communities supported by great amenities and parks
- We will seek to develop connected, resilient, inclusive communities.
- Council will promote the economic, social, cultural and environmental wellbeing of our communities.
- We know that well-maintained local shopping areas, libraries, community centres, parks and reserves, sports grounds, recreational and arts facilities promote stronger communities and we will support and promote them.
- We support a community empowerment approach and will strengthen local groups through grants and partnerships.
- We will support agencies such as Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), New Zealand Police’s community policing, Māori and Pasifika Wardens, Community Patrols, housing and social service agencies and Ambassador Schemes that enhance safety and security in our public areas and work with these agencies, communities and police to make town centres and communities safer.
- We acknowledge and support the work of volunteers for the vital service and advice they provide to Aucklanders.
- We will support communities that are taking action to reduce the proliferation of liquor outlets and pokie machines in their communities. We will maintain the sinking lid policy on pokies and the current liquor bans in parks and open spaces. We support the Auckland Council Local Alcohol Policy that limits the density of outlets and controls those causing harm.
- We will only support freedom camping in areas that are neither ecologically sensitive, nor highly utilised parks and facilities and only where it does not create traffic or noise issues.
- We will promote responsible pet ownership and animal welfare.
12. Quality housing choices that are affordable, healthy, and secure.
- We recognise that ensuring the provision of an increased amount of affordable healthy housing is an important need and challenge for the Auckland Council, government, business, community housing providers and residents.
- We will endeavour to provide for a more compact city with density done well, including more housing choice and affordability and where new buildings achieve urban design, construction quality and sustainability.
- We will advocate that Auckland Council work with central government, Kāinga Ora, iwi Māori and community housing providers, such as Abbeyfield, to actively deliver homes across the housing spectrum including emergency housing, papakainga, transitional, state, “housing for older people”, co-housing, intergenerational housing, assisted rental and assisted ownership.
- We support appropriate policies to significantly increase the current amount of affordable housing in the Auckland Council area, including utilising and retaining appropriate Council land for affordable housing purposes.
- We will develop a full set of Area Plans for each Local Board that outlines planning and development in response to population growth.
- We will seek ideas for effective ways to discourage land banking and to restrain urban land prices.
- We will pursue the requirement for affordable housing to be incorporated in all substantial developments.
- We support the Council’s regional homeless action plan including the Housing First approach, giving support to community agencies working with homeless people and rough sleepers and providing emergency housing and facilities like public toilets, showers, lockers and drinking fountains.
- We will lobby strongly for Government legislative and funding recognition of homelessness as a New Zealand wide issue.
13. Access to arts, events, sport and recreation
- We will preserve and expand our local and regional park network and other civic open spaces.
- We will continue to provide and sponsor a diverse range of organised free community events on our public open spaces and protect them from commercial use.
- We recognise that, arts and cultural facilities, activities and events are integral to a vibrant region.
- We will work with our community organisations at Local Board and Governing Body level to promote good facilities and services that are accessible and affordable to all.
- We seek to ensure entry fees are not a barrier for lower income families to the zoo, our museums, art galleries, recreation centres and swimming pools.
- We will support the development of regional facilities and diverse programmes to be accessible to all.
14. Inclusion, participation and access for all and opposition to all forms of discrimination
- City Vision opposes all forms of discrimination.
- We support a diverse city that welcomes new migrants and refugees, enables inclusion and encourages participation by everyone.
- We will ensure that Council structures do not discriminate against minorities.
- We encourage and promote policies of diversity and inclusion that give equal opportunities to all.
- We will ensure that all existing Council facilities are upgraded to meet Universal Design criteria and are fully accessible and appropriate for all communities.
- Across Auckland we will support events and festivals that meet the needs of our diverse communities.
- We will enhance Auckland as a Peace City, including not permitting “arms bazaars” or hosting speakers promoting hatred and violence on Council property.
- We will seek to make Auckland a genuinely Age-Friendly city
- We will pursue accreditation from UNICEF as a Child-Friendly City and will advocate for a children’s officer to promote children’s wellbeing in decision-making and budget-setting
- We will seek to give effect to the decision to make Auckland a city compliant with the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CDAW).
- City Vision will promote youth participation and engagement with local government.
City Vision’s 2022 policy for the Portage Licensing Trust is available here