18 April, 2024 | Featured, News
Seasoned and experienced politician Richard Northey, current member of the Waitematā Local Board, has been around many legislative processes in his time as an MP and in local government. Richard has a principled and considered approach to reviewing government bills...
17 March, 2024 | Featured, Featured Post, News
Every three years all councils across Aotearoa must consult on their Long Term Plan (LTP) also known as the 10 year budget. The LTP determines what services will be provided to our communities and how they will be funded. We are particularly focused on this LTP as...
8 March, 2024 | Uncategorized
The future of our city will be determined by the decisions Auckland Council will make on its proposed Long Term Plan 2024-2025 (LTP) the 10 Year Budget, including the budget of Auckland’s 21 Local Boards. The draft LTP is out for consultation until 28 March....
25 February, 2024 | Featured Post, News
Since the Good Citizen Awards were first established in 2013 a range of people and community groups have been recognised for the positive contribution they have made to Waitematā and beyond. The awards were the brainchild of Local Board Chair Shale Chambers with...
18 February, 2024 | Featured Post, News
Looking back Myers Park underpass The pre-dawn ceremony to celebrate the new Graham Tipene light installation under Myers Park underpass and park improvements was an enormous treat at the end of last year. In attendance was Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, the mayor, confidently...
21 December, 2023 | News, Uncategorized
As we wrap for the summer break we’d like to share with you the year in review from each of our Waitematā, Albert-Eden and Puketāpapa Local Board teams. 2023 has been full of highlights but also some significant challenges. Storms and Cyclone Gabrielle were...
17 December, 2023 | Featured Post, News
City Vision’s Albert-Eden Local Board members Liv Roe, Julia Maskill, Margi Watson and Christina Robertson report back on a full 2023. The year has been full of highlights but also some significant challenges. The Anniversary Weekend floods resulted in Albert-Eden...
13 December, 2023 | Featured Post, News
City Vision’s Waitematā Local Board members Alex Bonham, Anahera Rawiri and Richard Northey report back on 2023. This year has been hard in many ways – floods, cost of living – and council has pivoted to address them all. However, behind the headlines, there...
3 December, 2023 | Featured Post, News, Puketapapa Local Board
Puketāpapa Local Board members Jon Turner and Bobby Shen report back on an eventful year. 2023 started off with record-breaking rainfall in January that took a serious toll on Puketāpapa residents and wider Tāmaki Makaurau. In our area we saw many houses flooded...