Local government should be focussed on working with local communities to create great places to live, work, grow, and play.
We stand for an Auckland in which we treat people fairly and value our diversity. People in our communities should be paid a Living Wage for the work they do, and we should celebrate the array of cultures, faiths, and ethnicities that make Auckland the great melting pot of the South Pacific.
The environment we live in makes a big difference to our quality of life. We treasure our natural environment and will work with local communities to care for and enhance our streams, Maunga, harbours, and open space. We are also committed to looking after Auckland’s heritage, which gives our neighbourhoods and town centres real heart and soul.
Auckland is growing and City Vision believes that we need to act now to create a city that offers transport and housing choices, and provides the affordable housing that our families need. We support a quality, compact city in which a focus on people and good design guide future development.
City Vision Guiding Principles and Policies for Auckland Council Governing Body and Local Boards are available here.