Special General Meeting
Special General Meeting We invite City Vison supporters to attend our Special General Meeting at 7pm, Wednesday 20 November. In preparation for the local body elections in October 2025, the City Vision Steering Committee will now convert to the Campaign Committee,...
Give feedback for a vibrant city and to stop greenfields sprawl
Auckland Council is asking for feedback on how Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland should grow over the next 30 years, with public consultation now open until 31 July 2023. [updated from the original feedback date of 4 July. Consultation has now been extended] The Future...
City Vision’s submission guide to Auckland Council’s Annual Budget
Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget—and I'll tell you what you value. President Biden Tāmaki Makaurau is recovering from the impact of covid and devastating flooding while facing a climate and cost of living crisis. We urgently need to invest in the...
Return of the Razor Gang
Last week Auckland Council’s governing body approved a new governance structure recommended by Mayor Wayne Brown. Two mega committees have been created with a mix of councillors appointed to a number subcommittees. Former Auckland City Councillor and retired...
Maiden Speech of Councillor Julie Fairey
E ngā mana E ngā reo E rau rangatira mā Tenā koutou Ko Puketāpapa Pukewīwī Mt Roskill te maunga te ru nei taku ngakau Ko Te Auaunga Oakley Creek te awa e mahea nei aku maharahara No Kaipatiki ahau E mihi ana ki ngā tohu o ne he o Tāmaki Makaurau e noho e nei au Ko...
Auckland Council elections a mixed bag for City Vision
City Vision is delighted with the election of Julie Fairey as the new Councillor for Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa and pleased the official results have confirmed other progressive gains across the region. However, it is a disappointing outcome for City Vision endorsed...
Celebrate the 2022 City Vision Election Campaign
Come along and join us to celebrate the hard work of this campaign