26 March, 2019 | Albert-Eden Local Board, Featured Post, Local Issues, News, Our Projects
Your Community Voice In 2016 you voted for a strongly community-focused, City Vision team, on the Albert-Eden Local Board. Here’s a report back on what Graeme Easte, Glenda Fryer, Peter Haynes, Jessica Rose and Margi Watson have achieved in that time. We are bringing...
19 January, 2019 | Featured Post, Local Issues, News, Our Projects, Waitematā Local Board, Waitemata Local Board |
At the 2016 local government elections you re-elected the City Vision team to maintain a strong, effective Waitematā Local Board that delivers on issues that matter to you. The City Vision team stand with you to build a fair, sustainable, vibrant and connected city...
21 December, 2018 | Featured Post, Local Issues, News, Our Projects
Over the summer we will be reporting back on what we’ve been up to since the election in 2016. Check out updates on the City Vision facebook page and look out for hard copies of our Accountability reports in the mailbox. Report back from the City Vision team on...
28 November, 2018 | Entrust18, Featured Post, News
My thanks to both the candidates and all those that worked on the City Vision for Entrust Campaign. To win a majority of the 5 trustee positions on Entrust we needed to double our own vote and have the C&R vote stay about the same. That did not happen and the...
24 October, 2018 | Featured Post, News |
24 October 2018 City Vision Media Statement Independent Electoral Officer banned from promoting Entrust trustee election City Vision has discovered that current C&R Entrust Trustees have banned the independent Electoral Officer from promoting the Entrust election...