Getting Auckland moving

Your vision, our city

From Maunga to Moana

Enhancing your spaces and places

Together, let's build Auckland

Fatally flawed Fast-Track Approvals Bill 2024

Fatally flawed Fast-Track Approvals Bill 2024

Seasoned and experienced politician Richard Northey, current member of the Waitematā Local Board, has been around many legislative processes in his time as an MP and in local government.  Richard has a principled and considered approach to reviewing government bills...

Te Manu Rongonui o te Rautau/Bird of the Century

Te Manu Rongonui o te Rautau/Bird of the Century

E koekoe te kōkō, e ketekete te kākā, e kūkū te kererū * City Vision is campaigning for #KoolKererū this year as it is the perfect urban bird that we all want to see in our gardens and street trees. The ideal combo of chonky and beautiful, Kererū  is a bird we are...

City Vision: Making progress on recovery from floods and landslides

City Vision: Making progress on recovery from floods and landslides

On January 27th the world changed for many Aucklanders, and some are still living in uncertainty.  Climate change in our city has become more obvious than ever; homes were inundated around stream catchments while the land slid on hillsides and around the coast.  Some...

Why City Vision supports Māori seats for Auckland Council

Why City Vision supports Māori seats for Auckland Council

Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland Council is currently consulting on the future of Māori representation on council.   In October 2023 the decision will be made by the governing body whether to introduce Māori seats for the 2025 local elections. Here Waitematā...

Give feedback for a vibrant city and to stop greenfields sprawl

Give feedback for a vibrant city and to stop greenfields sprawl

Auckland Council is asking for feedback on how Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland should grow over the next 30 years, with public consultation now open until 31 July 2023.  [updated from the original feedback date of 4 July.  Consultation has now been extended] The Future...

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