23 January, 2015 | Featured Post, News
Following a community liaison meeting on Tuesday 20th January attended by over 60 locals concerned at the destruction of six 80 year old pohutukawa trees on Great North Road to make way for an additional turning lane on to SH 16, Waitemataā Local Board Chair, Shale...
11 July, 2014 | Featured Post, News, Waitemata Local Board
Media Release: Waitemata Local Board Local residents are invited to have their say on plans to improve the Waitematā Local Board area. The draft Waitematā Local Board Plan is open for feedback between Monday 7 July and Wednesday 6 August. The plan sets six key...
16 March, 2014 | City Vision, Featured Post, Local Issues, Parks, Waitematā Local Board, Waitemata Local Board
In a controversial recent decision, the City Vision members of the Waitematā Local Board voted to approve an events protocol – commissioned by the Board following recent events causing severe damage to the grounds – for the use of Victoria Park in central...