Introducing City Vision’s team for the Waitematā Local Board
City Vision presents a great line up of candidates for the 2022 elections for the Waitematā Local Board. We have some really interesting newcomers – Stephen May, Rosemary Peppermint, Antony Phillips and Anahera Rawiri – who will stand with current members Alex Bonham,...
Waitematā 2019-2022 Accountability Report
In Waitematā our achievements include: Secured funding for the restoration and seismic strengthening of Leys Institute and Studio Two New playground designs planned for Heard Park and Basque Park Upgraded playgrounds in: Western Springs, Outhwaite Park Grafton,and...
Local Board selections for Puketāpapa and Waitematā this weekend
Come and help us select our candidates for Puketāpapa and Waitematā Local Boards this weekend. All City Vision supporters are invited to the Zoom meetings to hear the candidates speak and participate in the Q&A afterwards. Local Board residents can also vote in...
Tunnelled light rail for the long-term
The preferred option sees a solution that would avoid significant disruption on roads across the isthmus during construction and fewer properties being taken.

Glenda Fryer appointed to Waitematā Local Board
“It will be good to be back representing my community.”

Council agrees to restore Ponsonby icon, the Leys Institute
“A start had been made on developing a detailed business case for the restoration and a Project Guidance Steering Group for it appointed.”

Another win for City Vision and for the environment.
A big day for City Vision today – a dawn blessing for the new Community Recycling and Education Centre in central Auckland with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei. This is a City Vision project, and our members on Albert-Eden and Waitematā Local Boards have made it happen....
City Vision leadership wins better access to future train station
The City Vision-led Albert-Eden Local Board, Waitematā Local Board and Ward Councillors are pleased that Auckland Transport has relented and agreed to our request to provide for a second (western) entrance to the new Maungawhau rail station. While the new station,...
Transforming How We Deal With Waste
NZ has one of the developed world’s lowest waste minimisation levies – $10 per tonne to landfill. MBIE plan to raise that to $50 but an independent study recommends a levy of $140 per tonne!