Introducing City Vision’s team for Ōwairaka
City Vision presents a great lineup of candidates for the 2022 elections for the Ōwairaka subdivision of the Albert-Eden Local Board. Liv Roe stands with current members, Christina Robertson, Julia Maskill and Margi Watson (Chair). Julia Maskill Kia ora. I’m keen for...
Albert-Eden 2019-2022 Accountability Report
In Albert-Eden our achievements include: Supported community groups to run events and projects with over $800,000 of grants Secured a second entrance to the new Maungawhau – Mt Eden Train Station Advocated to central government for the best environmental and...
Albert-Eden Ōwairaka Subdivision and Portage Licensing Trust Ward 1 selections this weekend
There’s another round of important selections this weekend. Please come along and help us select candidates for the Ōwairaka subdivision of Albert-Eden Local Board, and for Ward 1 of Portage Licensing Trust. All City Vision supporters are invited to the Zoom...
Report – Julia Maskill, Albert Eden Local Board Member (Ōwairaka Subdivision) for February 2022
This is my update after two years as a first-term City Vision member of Auckland Council’s Albert Eden Local Board (Ōwairaka subdivision).

Light rail crucial to Auckland’s future – Press release
City Vision has praised plans just released for light rail to be built through central Auckland. The new rapid transit system connects Māngere and Onehunga with Mt Roskill and the City Centre. It will shape our city and our lives, bringing opportunities for a better...
Tunnelled light rail for the long-term
The preferred option sees a solution that would avoid significant disruption on roads across the isthmus during construction and fewer properties being taken.

City Vision members instrumental in Council vote to protect Mount Eden pōhutukawa
(from Our Auckland 8 June 2021) A prominent pōhutukawa that could have been at risk after being omitted from the Notable Trees Schedule in error, will now be protected after a proposal to amend the schedule was approved by Auckland Council’s Planning Committee. The...
By-election results 😥
Bad news. Unfortunately Bernadette missed out by just 24 votes! What if we’d just door-knocked another street? Or rung those other mates to remind them to vote… It wasn’t to be, but it shows how every vote counts. A good reminder for the local body...