2 June, 2015 | Featured Post, News
On 23 May I took part in a panel discussion with Patrick Reynolds (Transport Blog contributor) and Phil Twyford MP (Labour’s Transport spokesperson) on the future of transport in Auckland. The event was organised by the Auckland Labour Isthmus Hub...
24 February, 2015 | Featured Post, News, Waitemata Local Board
On Friday 20 February the Waitemata Local Board stood with the community to seek Auckland Transport Board support not to proceed with plans in Great North Road to cut down the 6 heritage Pohutukawa trees, and won. Auckland Transport are not going to accept the...
23 January, 2015 | Featured Post, News
Following a community liaison meeting on Tuesday 20th January attended by over 60 locals concerned at the destruction of six 80 year old pohutukawa trees on Great North Road to make way for an additional turning lane on to SH 16, Waitemataā Local Board Chair, Shale...
6 November, 2014 | Featured Post, News, Waitemata Local Board
Over a 2 day hearing commissioners have been considering the evidence regarding Auckland Transport’s Notice Requirement to remove 6 mature pohutukawa trees to provide for an additional left turn lane over 820 Great North Road. The Waitematā Local Board, as...