23 October, 2018 | Entrust18, Featured Post, News |
23 October 2018 Subject: Entrust Election 2018 Final days to vote in election that will decide the future of Vector The five Entrust trustees will decide on whether the privatisation of Vector goes ahead and vote on a new chairman following the ousting of Michael...
22 October, 2018 | Entrust18, Featured Post, News
Wealthier areas of Auckland traditionally have a much higher voter turnout than other parts of Auckland benefiting C&R (National Party aligned candidates) in the Entrust Election. The daily voting document returns as at 19 October showed the Remuera area at 11.5%...
17 October, 2018 | Entrust18, Featured Post, News |
Voting documents need to be posted by Monday 22 October to protect and maintain your dividend of $350 and stop the privatisation of Vector. How is it possible that C&R (National party aligned candidates) are making the misleading claim that “$350 = Vote C&R”?...
16 October, 2018 | Entrust18, Featured Post, News
While some newer suburbs in Auckland are not visually blighted by strings of black power lines on their grass berms, suburbs built in the 1920s to 1960s throughout Auckland have the familiar wooden poles and strung overhead lines. Any greenfield subdivision built...
15 October, 2018 | Entrust18, Featured Post, News
The returning officer for the Entrust election has reported a first day vote count of 3078 way more than the 471 recorded on the first day of voting back in 2015. Entrust (formerly called the Auckland Energy Consumer Trust) holds 75.1% of the shares in Vector...