Calling candidates for governing body, local boards and Portage Licensing Trust
Nominations for the Councillor positions in Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa and Waitemataā and Gulf wards close 31 October 2021 and selections will take place in November.

Mike Lee’s gerrymandering claim rejected
The serious allegations of electoral irregularities and gerrymandering made by Mike Lee (in Gulf News and Ponsonby News) to explain his defeat cannot go unanswered. His arguments set out to undermine a number of important democratic principles. Under the Local...
Careful financial management claim vindicated by Advertising Standards Authority decision
Media Release embargoed until 10am 8 October 2019 Subject: Local Elections 2019 Careful financial management claim vindicated by Advertising Standards Authority decision A bogus budget claim that the City Vision-led Waitematā Local Board, representing central...