Community Voice on Light Rail

Community Voice on Light Rail

City Vision will be hosting a public meeting for you to share your thoughts on the plans to build Light Rail down Dominion, Mt. Eden, Sandringham and Manukau roads. Your feedback will become our shared vision for the community. So come along, share your ideas,...
Easter at Chamberlain

Easter at Chamberlain

Chamberlain Park is undergoing a transition to provide greater recreational opportunities. As part of this, Albert-Eden Local Board is providing these fun and free Easter events: Movies in Parks – Jurassic Park (PG) Friday 25 March, from 6.30pm. Bring the family and...
Candidate nominations

Candidate nominations

Updated: 15 March 2016 Local Government elections 2016 City Vision and Roskill Community Voice nominations and selections for candidates at the local government elections in 2016: Albert-Eden-Roskill Ward Councillors (2 candidates selected) Waitematā and Gulf Islands...
Bring Back the Trams

Bring Back the Trams

City Vision Media Release 2 March 2016 City Vision Launches Major Campaign to Bring Back the Trams “City Vision is proud to launch a major new campaign to Bring Back the Trams to our central suburbs. Sixty years after trams were removed from our major arterial...
Albert-Eden business awards

Albert-Eden business awards

Albert-Eden Local Board has launched the first Albert-Eden Business Awards elebrating the success and excellence of local businesses. Local people have until 29 February to nominate their favourite business. ‘Vibrant villages and local businesses are vital to the...
Moving the city forward

Moving the city forward

Ponsonby News column for Waitemata Local Board Chair February 2016 This year is local body election year, and the issues for you, the voter to decide to see our city move forward under the right stewardship remain many and complex. The main challenges remain...
Government finally commits to the City Rail Link

Government finally commits to the City Rail Link

We’ve been big supporters of the CRL from day one, as we believe it is critical to the development of an integrated public transport system in Auckland. The government has dragged its heels, but it’s great that funding is now in place – well done to...
Game on!

Game on!

Final update of the year from the Chair of the Waitemata Local Board Ponsonby News column December 2015 So it’s game on for the Auckland mayoralty next year. Inaugural Mayor of Auckland, Len Brown has achieved much despite the occasional but noticeable misstep, a too...