27 November, 2015 | Events, Featured Post
People’s Climate March – Solutions not pollution On the weekend before the Paris Climate talks in November this year, climate marches will take place in hundreds of major cities, with the goal of creating the world’s largest mobilisation on climate change. New...
23 November, 2015 | Featured Post, News
23 November 2015 City Vision welcomes Phil Goff’s Mayoral Announcement and Prepares for 2016 Campaign “Auckland needs strong, progressive leadership so we welcome Phil Goff’s announcement that he will campaign to be Auckland’s next...
23 November, 2015 | Featured Post, News
An important part of our commitment as City Vision (made up of Labour, Greens and community independents) is that we report back on what we have been doing and communicate the policies and principles that we stand for. The reports covering the Waitematā Local Board,...
19 November, 2015 | Albert Eden Local Board, Featured Post, News, Our Projects
Albert-Eden Local Board Chair, Dr Peter Haynes, is quite clear about the future of Chamberlain Park in response to suggestions by consultants and others that it be sold for housing. The park is needed for the community, he says. At no time has the Local Board...
13 November, 2015 | Featured Post, News, Roskill Community Voice
Media Release: Roskill Community Voice 12 November 2015 Local Board will fight Three Kings Land Exchange Decision “Today’s decision by the Auckland Development Committee (ADC) to support the proposed Three Kings land exchange (for recommendation to the Minister) will...
9 November, 2015 | Featured Post, News
Waitematā Local Board Chair Shale Chambers reflects on the first 5 years of Auckland Council in his November Ponsonby News column The Super City is five years old this month. It also heralds the first five years of your local Waitematā Local Board and the honour I...
5 November, 2015 | Featured Post, News, Our Projects, Waitemata Local Board
In 2011 following community feedback the Waitematā Local Board made a commitment to develop a localised plan for reducing emissions that will focus on reducing energy use, sustainable transport options, waste reduction, local food production and more effective and...
2 November, 2015 | Featured Post, News |
Brian Rudman in the NZ Herald has recently accused the left of “hiding behind bland, apple-pie labels such as City Vision” It may be correct that National has long been disguised behind Communities & Residents (previously Citizen & Ratepayers) in...
22 October, 2015 | Featured Post, News
On October 8th the Regional Strategy & Policy Committee of Auckland Council voted to seek greater transparency on the TPPA and an opportunity to discuss it with Government prior to ratification. Perversely, the NZ Herald story published online and in print told...
21 September, 2015 | Featured Post, News
Auckland Energy Consumer Trust election How we use energy is on the verge of a massive transformation. Electric cars, home solar and wind, smart meters and of course the Tesla batteries are all on their way, and they’re going to fundamentally change how we use...