Decision time for Auckland

Decision time for Auckland

I have been very proud to serve the Waitemata & Gulf Ward over the first three years of the Super City. The ward based around the parliamentary seat of Auckland Central but including Parnell and Newmarket comprises Auckland’s most historic suburbs Ponsonby, Grey...
Standout scores

Standout scores

Youth organization, Generation Zero have released score cards today of candidates standing in critical Auckland Council wards. The scores are based on interviews with Councillor candidates on four key issues in Auckland: transport, urban planning, cycling and climate...
City Vision videos now live

City Vision videos now live

City Vision, Roskill Community Voice and Auckland District Health Board candidates are no online in their first ever election videos to better explain who they are and what they stand for. You can see the videos here on the City Vision you tube channel. Christopher...
Making the running in Albert-Eden-Roskill

Making the running in Albert-Eden-Roskill

Today’s piece in the NZ Herald ‘Battlefield of the haves and have-nots’ confirms that the City Vision and Roskill Community Voice campaigns in this critical ward, are making all the running. Hard working incumbent Councillor Cathy Casey has been...
Myers Park safety

Myers Park safety

It was really sad news for members of the Waitemata Local Board team to learn of the death last night of a man in Myers park. The death occurred in the area of the park that is central to the Board’s imminent plans to  upgrade the line of sight and visibility of...