18 July, 2019 | Featured Post, Local Issues, News
Albert-Eden Local Board member Margi Watson has been following the freedom camping debate closely. Here she takes a detailed look at Auckland’s experience of complying with the Freedom Camping Act In 2011, the National Government passed the Freedom Camping Act....
14 July, 2019 | Featured Post, Local Issues, News, Waitemata Local Board
Julie Sandilands, City Vision Candidate for Waitemata Local Board shares her thoughts on what next now Auckland has declared a Climate Emergency We’ve done it: Auckland City Council has declared a climate emergency. Great. We’re working on the Auckland Climate Action...
5 July, 2019 | Featured Post, Local Issues, News
Cr Cathy Casey is heading to Wellington on Sunday to Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) annual general meeting seeking support for Auckland Council’s remit on banning the private sale and use of fireworks. Auckland Council is seeking the support of councils...
1 June, 2019 | Albert-Eden Local Board, Featured Post, Local Issues, News, Our Projects
For 15 years Graeme Easte has campaigned for a programme to grade separate over 40 railway level crossings on the Auckland network. At last, Council has voted $424 million for this work in the 2018-2028 LTP – but it will take many years to deliver so he is now...
26 March, 2019 | Albert-Eden Local Board, Featured Post, Local Issues, News, Our Projects
Your Community Voice In 2016 you voted for a strongly community-focused, City Vision team, on the Albert-Eden Local Board. Here’s a report back on what Graeme Easte, Glenda Fryer, Peter Haynes, Jessica Rose and Margi Watson have achieved in that time. We are bringing...
19 January, 2019 | Featured Post, Local Issues, News, Our Projects, Waitemata Local Board, Waitematā Local Board |
At the 2016 local government elections you re-elected the City Vision team to maintain a strong, effective Waitematā Local Board that delivers on issues that matter to you. The City Vision team stand with you to build a fair, sustainable, vibrant and connected city...
21 December, 2018 | Featured Post, Local Issues, News, Our Projects
Over the summer we will be reporting back on what we’ve been up to since the election in 2016. Check out updates on the City Vision facebook page and look out for hard copies of our Accountability reports in the mailbox. Report back from the City Vision team on...
16 August, 2016 | Local Issues, News, Waitematā Local Board, Waitemata Local Board
We all want to pay less rates, and make our Council more accountable and responsive to its residents. The centre-right ticket contesting this election, Auckland Future seeks to cap rates increases to 2%, cut at least $500m of expenditure, and reduce staff costs by...
8 August, 2016 | Featured Post, Local Issues, News, Puketapapa Local Board, Puketāpapa Local Board
Media Release: Michael Wood, current Puketapapa Local Board member and Labour candidate for Roskill 8 August 2016 “Following on from the Three Kings Quarry Environment Court interim judgment, I am joining calls from the community and the Local Board for a negotiated...
2 July, 2016 | Featured Post, Local Issues, News
Speech on Healthy Homes to the Changing Minds Community Housing Forum at the Grey Lynn Community Centre on 1 July Hi, my name is Richard Northey. I chair the Auckland Community Housing Trust, which for the last 9 years has provided secure rental housing at 75% of...