A Living Wage for Auckland Council: an investment in people
“A living wage is the income necessary to provide workers and their families with the basic necessities of life. A living wage will enable workers to live with dignity and participate as active citizens in society.” – Living Wage Aotearoa “We urge the...
City Vision’s latest campaign update
City Vision is sending out a campaign update every week until election day on 12 October. In this week’s update we cover the highs and lows of the Unitary plan deliberations that took place over 3 days last week We also provide a round up of the issues from the...
Our View on Rates
The new Auckland ‘supercity’ promised by the National and ACT parties has turned out to be less than what was promised to our many local neighbourhoods. Communities have been hit hard by amalgamation as all community facilities have been up for review and ‘fitted in’...
Hiding behind brands? No, we flaunt our allegiences!
Recently, columnist Brian Rudman wrote that candidates at local level should “embrace the labels we’re all familiar with”, while conservative Colin Craig called City Vision a “pseudonym.” But City Vision has been proudly been flaunting its...
Reining in Ports of Auckland
One of the major controversies of the first three years of the new Auckland Council has been the behaviour of the wholly Council owned company Ports of Auckland (POAL). POAL are one of those entities deliberately put at arms length from democratic control under Rodney...
Nominations are in and confirmed
Nominations for the local government elections closed yesterday with all of City Vision’s candidates successfully registered. City Vision has nominated 34 candidates covering the Albert-Eden- Roskill Ward (Cr Cathy Casey and Peter Hayes), Waitemata & Gulf Ward (Cr...
Keep our Assets
It has always been a lynchpin City Vision policy that our publicly owned assets should remain in community ownership

Nothing trivial or second rate about local boards
Last week the Conservative party announced their candidates for 22 positions on 15 of the 21 Local Board (NZ Herald story). Party Leader Colin Craig is quoted as saying that the party ” was keeping its best people aside for the party list at the general...