Tree protection takes a team
City Vision is pleased protection has been assured for a Mt Eden icon. The mature pōhutukawa at 8 Eglinton Ave has achieved protection in the Auckland Unitary Plan. It had been under threat given a Council omission that led to it losing the protection that it had in...
Puketāpapa 2019-2022 Accountability Report
In Puketāpapa our achievements include: Upgraded Keith Hay Park playground and signed off an upgrade to the Waikōwhai Park playground, due to begin this summer Worked with Councillor Cathy Casey to secure extra funding for the improvement of footpaths in the Long...
For the trees – City Vision’s work to restore and protect Auckland’s urban ngahere
City Vision councillors and local board members work hard to create meaningful improvements to Auckland urban nagahere.

Opening up Chamberlain Park for everyone
Imagine a big, new park in your neighbourhood. Open space to play, picnic, stroll, jog and take the kids Restore the stream (currently a concrete-lined drain) improving habitat and water quality to the harbour Plant thousands of native trees to bring birds back to the...
Opening up Chamberlain Park to the community
[Update 12 September 2019: Chamberlain Park Redevelopment FAQs has more information] The vote by the Council’s Environment and Community Committee on 10 July to develop a detailed business case for widening the uses of Chamberlain Park “is a step towards making better...
Call for safety improvements at railway level crossings
For 15 years Graeme Easte has campaigned for a programme to grade separate over 40 railway level crossings on the Auckland network. At last, Council has voted $424 million for this work in the 2018-2028 LTP – but it will take many years to deliver so he is now...
Accountability Report from the City Vision team on the Albert-Eden Local Board
Your Community Voice In 2016 you voted for a strongly community-focused, City Vision team, on the Albert-Eden Local Board. Here’s a report back on what Graeme Easte, Glenda Fryer, Peter Haynes, Jessica Rose and Margi Watson have achieved in that time. We are bringing...
Accountability report from the City Vision team on the Waitematā Local Board
At the 2016 local government elections you re-elected the City Vision team to maintain a strong, effective Waitematā Local Board that delivers on issues that matter to you. The City Vision team stand with you to build a fair, sustainable, vibrant and connected city...